Protecting Our Shorelines & Our Rights

We believe the best way to ensure lake health is to educate property owners on the value of natural shorelines and address known risks directly, rather than adding costly regulations, additional staff and restricting property owners’ existing rights as proposed by Haliburton County’s Shoreline Preservation bylaw. We invite you to learn more. 

Our Story

Providing Lake Stewardship in Haliburton for Generations

We are a group of waterfront property owners in Haliburton County.  We built this website in the spring of 2022 to help us inform, educate, and advocate on issues that concern lakefront residents. Our group of seasonal and permanent waterfront residents, many multi-generational, have been responsible stewards for their lakes and properties for decades. 
Few Haliburton residents are more concerned about, or have a greater investment in, the health of Haliburton lakes than lakefront property owners. We recognize the need for a stronger voice in support of common sense and workable solutions to protect our environment.  We are certainly both qualified and motivated to be that voice.