Dysart Shoreline Policy
Dysart Council declined to delegate authority to have the County By-law apply in the Municipality of Dysart and is now considering what steps the municipality should take.
Dysart County Shoreline Policy
Healthy, natural shorelines are an important contributor to healthy lakes. They provide habitat for wildlife, can serve as a filter for undesirable nutrients and chemicals entering the lakes, and aesthetically allow us to enjoy the beauty of nature. Experts say that at least 75% natural/ regenerative shorelines are necessary for lake health.
Dysart Chief Building Official Karl Korpela detailed the many restrictions already in place on what property owners can do in this area in a presentation to Dysart Council on April 25 and identified a series of further regulatory restrictions that might be included in a Site Alteration By-law. He also said that Dysart was interested in encouraging renaturalization of shorelines.
As Dysart considers its options...
…HWO would prefer it to focus on positive initiatives that will result in restoration of natural shorelines rather than complicated and expensive regulatory prohibitions that will do little or nothing to improve our shorelines. This includes:
Educate Owners On Regenerative Practices
Educate and encourage owners of properties where significant portions of vegetation have been removed on the need to replant and how to do so.
Add Renaturalization Requirements to Building Permits
When new residences are being built or significant renovations undertaken, require renaturalization of the shoreline area to 75%..
Continue Rigorous Septic Inspections
Malfunctioning Septics pose the greatest risk to lake health. Make sure that they are working properly.
Curtail Fertilizer Use in Shorelines
Encourage the province to curtail fertilizer use in the shoreline area.
What Does the Science Say?
Everyone wants clean water. Healthy shorelines are (only) one contributor. What does the science tell us about what is happening in our lakes and properties, and what this means for our shorelines?
For more information about the science behind the issue, download our “Simple Shoreline Science” PDF.
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